Phone: +(60)3 - 7665 6099
There are two types of implantcast metal heads. Both are intended for use of cemented ultra-high molecular weight (UHMWPE) cups, UHMWPE liners (when used with compatible cementless acetabular components) and UHMWPE bipolar head inserts:
The ic-head titanium options are made of titanium alloy (TiAl6V4) and are coated with titanium nitride (TiN) to make them suitable for use as a load bearing articulating surface. The ceramic coating process also makes these devices especially useful for the Treatment of patients with metal sensitivity.
ic-head CoCrMo which are made of cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy.
- Description
- ic-head titanium: implatan®; TiAl6V4 according to ISO 5832-3
- ic-head CoCrMo: implavit®; CoCrMo according to ISO 5832-12
Note: The combination of ic-heads XXL and XXXL is restricted.
- ic-head titanium: TiN-coating
Product Range
- ic-head titanium: 28mm (K-XXXL), 32mm (K-XXXL), 36mm (K-XXXL)
- ic-head CoCrMo: 22mm (K-L), 28mm (K-XXXL), 32mm (K-XXXL), 36mm (K-XXXL)